Leading Teens Closer to Christ
Join us for Mass on Sunday at 5:00 pm
followed up most Sundays by Life Night in the
Parish Hall for all teenagers.
As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, Life Teen leads teenagers and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. With the Blessed Virgin Mary as our intercessor and guide, Life Teen seeks to unleash the fullness of the Sacramental power present within the young Church.
The modern student is under pressure to make life changing choices at the end of high school. It seems like jumping right into college is the default. And it may be ideal for many students. But, college costs are skyrocketing, hammering Gen Z with big debt. Undergrad degrees are less effective in developing real world job skills. The job market is changing so fast that it’s more important than ever to make strategic decisions. Time is more valuable than money. And the average college campus is full of culture-driven distractions. Are you ready?
Life Teen is focused on bringing teens to Christ in the Eucharist, beginning on Sunday evening with the 5:00pm Mass. Here teens are welcomed into a unique environment. At Mass they gain opportunities to grow in their own relationship with God through Jesus Christ and His Church. The music and the teachings speak to the hearts and minds of today’s teens.
About every other Sunday, following Mass, teens gather in the Parish Hall for Life Night. Life Nights are the catechetical component of the Life Teen ministry. Life Nights present the Catholic faith in a non-classroom format, making the faith relevant for teens today. The flow of a Life Night follows the flow of the Mass – Gather, Proclaim, Break, and Send.
Joined: 2015
Quote: "Do not be afraid to follow Christ."
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