With the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, Jesus instituted the priesthood. The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Jesus Christ's priesthood, which He bestowed upon His Apostles that blessed night until the end of time. This is why the Catechism of the Catholic Church refers to the Sacrament of Holy Orders as "the sacrament of apostolic ministry." The Sacrament of Holy Orders configures the recipient to Christ by a special grace of the Holy Spirit, so that he may serve as Christ's instrument for His Church, Catechism 1581). Priests have the extraordinary priviledge to serve in the name and person of Christ/ in persona Christi, the head in the midst of their community.
If you feel Jesus is calling you to serve him in this special way, if you are discerning the call to the Priesthood, and need assistance or information call the parish office for one of our priests or the LA Archdiocese Office of Vocations.
Parish Office: (626) 960-2795
L.A. Archdiocese Office of Vocations: LAcatholics.org
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