The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a remarkable Sacrament of healing, a sign of God’s great love and mercy for those who are facing a serious illness, living the difficulties inherent in old age or gravely ill. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1527). Jesus came to heal the world. He had such compassion for the poor and sick. Many experienced healings of body and soul. He asked us to visit the sick: " I was sick and you visited me." It is a spiritual sacrament that prepares the soul for death, if death is imminent. However, it also has a secondary and conditional effect the potential recovery of bodily health by the sick or injured person.
Call the Parish Office at the beginning of a serious illness or before a surgery.
La Uncion de los Enfermos?
Sacraments 101: Anointing of the Sick (who it's for)
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